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Bet your eyes lit up then mods eh?

Question for everyone though inc Mods on here,

But does anyone find Moderators on other sites are complete and utter idiots, I'd like to use another word but swear filter n all.

I get the impression that some were bullied as kids as take their pain out on people via the internet due to having some kind of "authority"

I know I got off on the wrong foot with namely Jeebo, Stoney and the other guy in a Mondeo but I actually think you guys do a brilliant job of it tbh.

Now I haven't gone all Rambo on another site I mearly bumped a sales ad, that ended up 5 pages down and the 4 pages before that was all sold items so what chance did I have of selling it??? I did raise this but resulted in a ban lol

thanks to TOR no forum can be rid of me and it's been relisted since with different wording, spelling, gramma, pics and other misc ways round it but seriously some sites just cannot help themselves.

Any one get any grief elsewhere? doesn't have to be a name and shame but share your pain.

Apologies if Mods don't want TOR mentioned on here.


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you know your onions then,lol.

i belong to another forum(not car related at all)and it is heavily moderated,threads are locked posts removed,they follow no rhyme nor reason and some get away with a lot and are never reprimanded.but i gather there the mods using an alias.

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I used to moderate on a forum that was very carefully moderated. It's a forum for one of the Youth Organisations and was expected to be run in a similar fashion to a unit. It worked well in that situation.

But yeah, I have come across some forums with absolute wazzocks for moderators. Likewise, there are some that would benefit from a little more moderation!!

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Bet your eyes lit up then mods eh?

Question for everyone though inc Mods on here,

But does anyone find Moderators on other sites are complete and utter idiots, I'd like to use another word but swear filter n all.

I get the impression that some were bullied as kids as take their pain out on people via the internet due to having some kind of "authority"

I know I got off on the wrong foot with namely Jeebo, Stoney and the other guy in a Mondeo but I actually think you guys do a brilliant job of it tbh.

Now I haven't gone all Rambo on another site I mearly bumped a sales ad, that ended up 5 pages down and the 4 pages before that was all sold items so what chance did I have of selling it??? I did raise this but resulted in a ban lol

thanks to TOR no forum can be rid of me and it's been relisted since with different wording, spelling, gramma, pics and other misc ways round it but seriously some sites just cannot help themselves.

Any one get any grief elsewhere? doesn't have to be a name and shame but share your pain.

Apologies if Mods don't want TOR mentioned on here.


Been there, done that! :P

Yes, i've been on a few where some of the alleged "Staff" clearly take bias towards members and let repeat rulebreakers off.

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I wouldnt say we got off on the wrong foot Matt, purely you broke the rules and I reminded you of them, and we might have disagreed about the reasons :p lol

Seriously though, I cant say I have come across a forum yet with any complete idiots. You see strict moderation on some places, and others dont even know what the word means. It all depends on the environment the site portrays - forums get advertisement revenue, some advertisers will ask for a particular environment of a particular nature, for example, not all websites will be happy to pay for advertising on a forum where there are more swear words used on a thread than a navy ship in a month!

Other times, its just an agreeable decision from the forum owner, there appointed manager, and moderation team. For example here, we as a team decided it would be best to remove swearing by implementing the filter you see day to day.

At the end of the day though, some people will take power to their head, and probably because they were bullied in school. I will be the first to admit I was, but I (dont think?) its reflected in my actions on this forum? I know your not having a pop at us, but for me, I believe in the forum and come to impart wisdom (or whatever of it can be considered such context) to others, and I believe the environment is one of the best communities I have been involved in. I think I know most the regular posters here quite well, some by first name, others just by the persona I have come to know :p

At the end of the day I enjoy moderating here, I love the buzz of the community, helping people when they need it, even down to small tasks like keeping the place organised by moving threads to their own home. A small action such as moving the thread to the Focus or Fiesta section, could mean a passer by browsing the thread can suddenly have an answer and have saved themselves hundreds of quid. That is a team effort by members sharing the info and by moderation team members keeping things organised and arranged. I enjoy playing the part of Benvolio on the odd occasion its needed. It might not always work, but at least you can help people agree to disagree if nothing else, and if it stops mum and dad fighting in front of the kids.... :p I have had to upset a few people, some I even consider friends - but I did it because it seemed to be in the interest of other people and . Granted I think we kissed and made up afterwards, but it does upset people when you have to do the job... I think we here are a good team, I admit when I am wrong, as most of us will, if its on a simple knowledge issue, or, as I particularly fluffed up recently with Mordey - I was happy to apologise repeatedly in the hope he accepted my apology (which he did!)

The one thing I always remember, as I have learned - moderators are nothing more than members such as you and I and anyone else reading, some will say the right thing to get the job (unpaid as it is :p) others do it because they believe in the cause (as I do), and some are just blatant plebs lets be frank!

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I think we're pretty mellow here TBH.

Some clubs are very strict and take no prisoners at all.

This is a happy, friendly place and disagreements seem to be very rare.

We can't all always see eye to eye but being adults about it does help.

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I'm a mod/admin for some well-known bands' forums.

We always muck in with everyone, have a giggle, help out as much as we can - but yeah, sometimes, we have to deal with unruly characters, it's part of the job.

A forum HAS to have rules and users must adhere to them, otherwise, it quickly descends into total and utter chaos - which is unpleasant for everyone!!


Sent from my iPigeon using Ford OC

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I agree this is probably the best and friendliest forum I've been on, although I haven't frequently used any other car forums. It probably helps that 99% of people who drive a Ford and what to participate on this forum are adults, and limiting the number of 12-year-olds interacting on any internet based meeting place is always going to be a good thing lol.

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Haha, our youngest member is Chris Robson who is about 15 or 16 but you wouldnt think it....

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Yeah I agree on this Club Forum the Moderators are doing a Great Job! they are mellow as said yet holding the fort with swiftness but i think everyone has came across a person with authority at some time everywhere is the same not just to do with forums talking about in daily part of living everywhere

But with the internet having no contact with a person only contact through writing so you havent got the visual contact so a good percentage of communicating is lost (as 75-93% of talking is non verbal ie Body language expressions movements with hands etc etc ) so therefore the things poeple read into can be wrong and would they do the same in real life who knows but with no visual contact they feel like more power (they dont actually feel the power but making decisions is harder ) but i have been a admin of servers (games) moderator of a forum or two (not car related) it is hard work but you have to see both arguments and not go on anyones side just the side of the forum ...... you broke rules.... you get punished but when a admin/moderator thinks they can do what they like for a friend or something they dont agree with its gives them a bad name and the forum a bad name lets face it

its not the good things that stick in out brains its the bad and thats why you will hear more bad things being mentioned than good most the time but it does affect the forums

Thats why this one does so well the staff are Brill good banter nice people and a good buzz helping people Im on here alot and this is to do with it!

I once got banned from a forum i was a Moderator in! we used to do mystery shopper tactics to test new moderators and what he should have dont is give me a warning but banned me ...my ip adress....mac address........and email i had no contact with that forum no more! but luckily one of my mates spotted it straight away and in a meeting with the guy (through TeamSpeak) he said he didnt like the guys attitude towards the subject untill he realised i was the guy and i was the guy who was testing him lol his views changed dramatically but we didnt take him on even though he was one of the most active on the forum lol

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We're always glad to hear feedback on our performance as moderators from our members, and I'm sure I can safely say for all of us we appreciate most if not all of you are happy with what and how we do things...

As for being banned... Nothing to say but LOL!

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nah you all suk.

:P :D :D :D

Banned! Haha :p

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I haven't been a mod on any forums, but the closest I came to that was when I used to play World of Warcraft I was an "officer" in quite a big guild for a while. That's kind of like a mod, although I didn't really do much, just helped out others when I could and left the "discipline" to the guild leader and more senior officers.

Anyone else who has played that game can probably guess the kind of drama that goes on in guilds lol. Good times though, met lots of great people for all over the world, although it did eat up a lot of my time.

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Have to say FOC is one of the friendliest forums I have been on and as above the mods do a great job. I have never seen anything on here I would considerer out of order. Everyone on here seems very down to earth.

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nah you all suk.

:P :D :D :D

Thanks for that greg, you bar steward!

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Sorry to create a Thread and leave, I have since contacted the owner of the site, who is quite active on there ( he's the actual owner as well ) to make my case and have since been reinstated and the Mod has been removed from duty.

Petty to say this but it feels damn good to know that last been has been done.

Anyway yes, Jeebo and Stoney I largely agree you are very fair and friendly and rules are rules.

I do disagree with I think my 3rd ban, something about sand being caught somewhere, feel personally it was a bit harsh given no actual bad words were used and was purely just a dig at someone who constantly whines more about his car than I did about mine and that's saying something.

Out of curiosity how do you become a mod? and also why do you do it? it is appreciated keeping the little cretins that pop up now and then out of the way.

Whilst we may all disagree at some point I'm sure if we ever met we'd get along just fine and I'd buy you a beer / Gin / Coffee or whatever ( anything under like £12 a pop )

Anyway, I'm off to troll a Merc Forum now, seems G Wagen owners are hard to come by and not the most helpful of people, got an electrical fault already FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFS

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Ah the joys of merc ownership, hopefully you get it sorted soon.

As for the third warning, I think that comes down to a matter of taste and tone and neither at the time seemed right but the past is the past and hopefully we look forward from there.

As for the mod duty, I was an active member on the forum for the last four or five years, vacancies came up and Mark (the manager at the time) advertised for new moderators, I sent in my application and was kindly accepted. I moderate for nothing. I contribute a lot still (hopefully not all of it is cack) and at the same time, I just tidy up threads that should be somewhere else, or remove inappropriate comments or remove those who come here to waste all our time with their pointless advertising.

At the end of the day I do it for the forum. I learned the majority of what I know today from this forum and wanted to Contribute back to it, whether it's keeping the place tidy or keeping the peace, but I come back to help other people. God knows the amount of times I asked stupid questions here, and others took their time to help and explain. I have saved more money through this forum because I didn't have to go to a garage and I do it to help others manage the same.

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According to Merc owners when an Earth terminal corrodes you buy a new one??????? Only Ze Germans would suggest paying another £70odd for a poxy terminal. give it a clean and grease job jobbed, my brakes lights now work without the indicators going off.

Have to say I am loving this beast, 320 CDI lump pulling a beast of a motor still goes really well and returns 35MPG currently. not sure I'd fork out 90K+ for a new one if I had the money though, 2nd hand and several years old barge depreciation ftw!!!

Good to hear the reasons dude, shame it isn't paid really or some kind of other payments made to you, like a free poverty spec KA or something.

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Haha, the cars dirty, what do we do? I think I shall buy a new one... Then you come along and suggest the liquid leaving the hosepipe has more uses than sprinkling the garden lol. You seem to have got a good deal though but 90k wtaf! Far too much lol

I don't do it for the payment personally, although if I was offered some sort of part time wage I wouldn't say no lol. Let's just say it's rewarding to help and the forum management team rewards us with small gestures. Most. Places do things like that, be it a free t shirt, or something small from the shop, I know a site I was a member of before had a massive deal lol, they where all given a weekend away at a theme park with accommodation. And that's just because they were mods for a big companies forum. I would have loved to be in their shoes lol.

Also bear in mind, our forum is not an official ford product or service, so we don't work for Ford so don't get a car lol. The group and subsequent owner are independent and we operate based on some advertisement, some from membership and some from Steve pocket... I wouldn't be shy to ask for a car If we were officially ford lol

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just think if it was an official forum,

how do you think they would take it that a forum that gives out info on how to fix your cars for a fraction of having them repaired at a steelers would last???

not long me thinks.

forums generally are set up to help like minded peeps,

i bet if there was poll on how much revenue dealers have lost over the years since forums like this one were set up i would think its millions of pounds that have been kept out of there tills.

i also bet deep down they hate all forums with a vengeance.

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I could probably add up all the jobs I did myself and have a guesstimate at what they haven't had from me lol

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