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Dear All

I am seeking some help, as have two Ford Pumas sitting where I live.  One, sadly, developed problems with the steering rack, about (I think) now three years ago and the other was involved in an accident last March, an idiot seemingly drove through a red light and damaged the passenger side of the car 😥!

I am, at the moment, still awaiting to find out what is happening to the "injured" Puma, though have initially been advised it is a "write off", because of it's age.  However, I am keen to keep/buy back the car and wish to repair it.  The car means a lot to me, as I lost my wonderful Dad in 2017, and he was always with me in the car, when I took him to hospital appointments, took him shopping etc and, at the end of the day, I love my Puma!

I had hoped to be able to use "parts" from the "donor car" to help repair the "injured" car but, sadly, where I live, believe it or not, I am only entitled to have one car, (stupid permit situation)!

At the moment, life is far from great, and I am not going into details here but, sadly, due to ill health, I am not working, and therefore limited of funds and have no-one that can help me with the above.  I do not want to just scrap the "donor car", however, am still waiting to hear what I can/cannot do about the "injured" car, but one or both are going to have to go, even though I do not wish this to happen 😟  

If anyone can help/advise, please contact me.  I am not sure what to do, whether to let any parts go off the "donor car", and then scrap it, or try and keep it, for helping me with me my "injured" car, though am running out of time with the situation of parking where I live!!!!!

Thanks for your help, and no time wasters, thanks.



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