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Sync updates, and 'crashes'...


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Over the years I have read numerous threads about failed 'Sync' systems, troublesome updates, and other issues and that pretty much just controls controls your radio!

There has been much in the news this week about, 'driverless' cars, with government giving out extended licensees for road trials. Now, we have all owned phones/computers/ even TV boxes that just freeze as part of their DNA and need rebooted to work.

Am I the only one that is terrified of cars that drive themselves, doing 70Mph on a motorway, and another car pulls out in front, then the computer car starts an 'update', or simply freezes needing a reboot?

Exactly what kind of morons are pushing this technology through, as realistically it is trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist. I guess we'll have to wait for the 1st fatal 'accidents' to make folk realise that just because you can, doesn't mean you should...

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I'm far more terrified that humans are allowed to operate complex motor vehicles.  Brains are always distracted by one thing or another.  Plus we all know that reaction times, hearing and eye sight decline for the majority of an average persons life.  And worse than that, most people have an inflated sense of their own abilities.

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Given that manufactures can't even get TSR to work 100% correctly. I have no faith what so ever that fully automatic driverless cars will work with out causing major and potentially fatal problems.

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2 hours ago, TomsFocus said:

I'm far more terrified that humans are allowed to operate complex motor vehicles. 

Tom, I'm afraid on this issue I fundamentally disagree with you. There are 37 Million registered cars in the UK, if they do an average of 10,000 miles/year, that is, 370 Billion miles driven. In the last decade the UK have averaged 3000 fatalities/year on the roads. (yes, we'll insert the platitude that every death is a tragedy)

The percentage of fatalities to miles driven is such a small statistic, most domestic calculators haven't got a screen big enough to show the number of 'zeros'. (about 1 fatality for every 12 Billion miles driven)

Yes, as you get older, the ageing process kicks in, but similarly, older people often drive slower, and compensate by taking more care. To average this up, young 17 year old boys continue to drive around like their pants are on fire with a massive overdose of invincibility, and testosterone.

Obviously the above figures don't even include the massive HGV and light van figures which will decrease the statistic even further.

Like I said originally, I have no idea what is trying to be achieved with computer controlled cars. The 1st time one collides with a bus load of kids causing 40 odd deaths will be critical in properly raising the question. At least with a driver, society can lock the driver up for life, what do they do with a computer chip, apart from sue the whole chain of designers, software engineers, manufacturers etc.

By the way, I'm well aware that huge figures are thrown about with abandon these days, but for illustration,

A million seconds is 12 days.

A billion seconds is 31 years.

A trillion seconds is 31,688 years.

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You can prove anything with 'statistics'...  The last 2 years skew the decade's average due to lockdowns and WFH for example.  Casualty reporting has also changed.  The number of casualties from RTC is ~100,000 a year.  That's over 0.1% of the population, which is a more useful percentage figure than an estimated average mileage driven.

I never understand why people are only interested in deaths.  Serious injuries are ten times higher than fatalities in RTC.  Those are people that have to continue to exist after that, often unable to work or provide for dependents, with the crushing guilt that brings, having to navigate the care & benefits systems just to survive, being stuck in unsuitable accommodation because there simply isn't enough to go around, and on top of all that having to put up with discrimination from all areas of society, fuelled by certain media outlets.  

Even minor injuries cause a lot of inconvenience & cost to the economy as well as the individual.  That's before even considering the economic loss of having major roads closed for hours at a time to clear up wreckage. Looking at death rates alone is only a small part of the overall picture regarding RTC's.


On the subject of driverless cars though.  I actually don't believe fully automated cars will ever be a thing in the UK.  I believe the driver will always need to remain in control legally, able to over-ride the system should an error occur.  But for the vast majority of long, boring motorway drives, they won't get tired, bored, distracted, they'll be just as effective at evading at accident after 50 miles or 500 miles, unlike a human driver.

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3 minutes ago, TomsFocus said:

But for the vast majority of long, boring motorway drives, they won't get tired, bored, distracted, they'll be just as effective at evading at accident after 50 miles or 500 miles, unlike a human driver.

You mean, just like Cruise Control - that sounds a good idea 🤣

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7 minutes ago, TomsFocus said:

You can prove anything with 'statistics'... 


I'm not really trying to prove anything, just trying to work out why so much money/energy/passion is being spent on something which has no benefit...

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Just now, StephenFord said:

You mean, just like Cruise Control - that sounds a good idea 🤣

Not really.  Standard cruise control will ram you into a broken down vehicle at 70mph if you're not paying attention. Even adaptive cruise control has no steering input, but that will at least slow down if it spots a hazard ahead.

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I did hear this week there is a debate as to how safe should autonomous vehicle be. Do they aim for 100% safe or just to be as safe as driven cars (there must be statistics on the percentage of accident per mile or what ever)

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35 minutes ago, TomsFocus said:

Not really.  Standard cruise control will ram you into a broken down vehicle at 70mph if you're not paying attention. Even adaptive cruise control has no steering input, but that will at least slow down if it spots a hazard ahead.

Adaptive cruise control works quite well I think, the one that I believe is absolutely dangerous is Intelligent Cruise Control, automaticity accelerates you to the road speed limit.

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1 hour ago, StephenFord said:

Like I said originally, I have no idea what is trying to be achieved with computer controlled cars.

Stephen you are overlooking the primary advantage of a fully driverless car. It can take you home from the pub 🤣

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8 minutes ago, unofix said:

Stephen you are overlooking the primary advantage of a fully driverless car. It can take you home from the pub 🤣

Must confess, as someone who doesn't drink, that didn't even cross my mind LOL

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It's the only reason the government is so keen to push them. Both Borris and Keir think they are excellent and have the full support of both sides. Next time they have a big party during a lock-down they can have a lock-in and get driven home with no one to tell tales🤣

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