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We Would Like To Offer Our Car Insurance Scheme On Here.....


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Hi there

We would like to sponsor this forum and in doing so would like to offer our car insurance scheme to users on here. Our insurers have found that car club members have less claims than non-members so they have devised a special insurance scheme with excellent customer and claims service.

However, this has to be set up officially but I don't know who is the relevant person to speak to on here.

Could someone please give email me at tim.slater@chrisknott.co.uk with a contact phone number so that we can discuss it.

Many thanks!

Kind regards

Tim Slater

Chris Knott Insurance Consultants Ltd

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Hi Tim,

I will bring this to the attention of Steve for you. I am sure I brought it up before but maybe he forgot.


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Hi Tim,

I will bring this to the attention of Steve for you. I am sure I brought it up before but maybe he forgot.


Thanks Gaz. I hadn't heard anything!

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