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Hi there

im new here ,Im Gavin.

ive owned two mondeo's in pass 2 years that well nearly put me off driving forever (long story and lots of £££££££ later)

i desided to get back driving and got an 2005 plate 1.6 petrol focus zetec climic.car still under warrinity so price no issues for me atm HAHA.

basicly i would like to know whats needs to be done to fix problems i have that i be listing in an bit,so that i know when i get car bacl it done right etc .

problem one is the low fuel light is stuck on and i put £20+ in tank 10-15miles ago.

problem two is 3rd gear almost as if the sync is damage or somthing as not every time but most of time 3 rd gear is well hard to get into.

problem three Air Con !!!!!......i was told by dealer the air con just needs gasing so at my own cost i had it regased everything fine no leaks reported by machine etc.but after leaving it runing for 2-3 minutes to test it was fine moved car back to park up there was puddles under where rad sit but engine water fine :S

last problem i promist the car is bit slugish when first taking off from parked or jucntion etc but once in higher revs its fine :S

i did the dash test to see if it reset the low fuel light but it didn't but it did show "D900" under dlc.

thank you for reading this an hopfully you can help.also im sorry about spellings im an very bad speller lol.


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Hi there

im new here ,Im Gavin.

ive owned two mondeo's in pass 2 years that well nearly put me off driving forever (long story and lots of £££££££ later)

i desided to get back driving and got an 2005 plate 1.6 petrol focus zetec climic.car still under warrinity so price no issues for me atm HAHA.

basicly i would like to know whats needs to be done to fix problems i have that i be listing in an bit,so that i know when i get car bacl it done right etc .

problem one is the low fuel light is stuck on and i put £20+ in tank 10-15miles ago.

problem two is 3rd gear almost as if the sync is damage or somthing as not every time but most of time 3 rd gear is well hard to get into.

problem three Air Con !!!!!......i was told by dealer the air con just needs gasing so at my own cost i had it regased everything fine no leaks reported by machine etc.but after leaving it runing for 2-3 minutes to test it was fine moved car back to park up there was puddles under where rad sit but engine water fine :S

last problem i promist the car is bit slugish when first taking off from parked or jucntion etc but once in higher revs its fine :S

i did the dash test to see if it reset the low fuel light but it didn't but it did show "D900" under dlc.

thank you for reading this an hopfully you can help.also im sorry about spellings im an very bad speller lol.


Hi Gavin

can't help with most what your asking.

but i do know that with aircon on there will be water under the car it's from the condenser & is quite normal.


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Hi Gaven welcome to the forum. Take the car back to the dealer and get him to sort it.

Under sale of goods legislation (Sale of Goods Act 1979) it has to be fit for purpose. If the faults your having, air con not working, low fuel indicator faulty, and experiencing difficulty selecting third gear. If they where not brought to your attention at the time of purchase and as such formed part of the contract of sale between you and the dealer. Then the law states he has to repair said faults at his expense period.

A bit of straight talking here Gavin, but said in a constructive sense, not meant to be personally offensive. But for someone to buy a car with air con, find it's faulty take it back to the dealer you bought it off. He tells you its down to you to get it fixed, and off you trot. Well as far as the dealer is concerned he will now have you down for a MUG. And as such will try and fob you off every time you tip up at his place of business with a problem.

So your number one task is to convince him your not a mug. Now I don't suggest you storm in there with all guns blazing, but try and make him aware that you have taken advice. And as such are aware of your consumer rights under the Sale of Goods Act. The fact the car is second hand does not affect those rights one jot. It should be fit for purpose, those parts mention above are clearly not. If he still refuses to rectify the problems at his expense, tell him you will be taking the matter up with Trading Standards, as he is contravening those standards.

Know Your Rights

Quote the article:

If a product that was not of satisfactory quality at the time of the sale is returned to the retailer, the buyer is entitled to a full refund (if it is within a reasonable time of the sale), or, if a “reasonable time “ has elapsed, to a reasonable amount of compensation. The consumer needs to demonstrate the goods were not of satisfactory quality at the time of sale. This is so if the consumer chooses to request an immediate refund or compensation. It is also the case for any product returned more than six months after the date of sale.

There is one exception – this is where the consumer returns the goods in the first six months from the date of sale and requests a repair or replacement or a partial refund. In that case, the consumer does not have to prove the goods were faulty at the time of sale. It is assumed that they were. If the retailer does not agree, it is for the retailer to prove that the goods were satisfactory at the time of sale.

Know His Responsibilities

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tommy h. is right in regard to the air con.

Question is, is the air con working now? In that you switch it on and shortly after doing that you can feel the temperature change?

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thank you for reply.

ive just got off phone with dealer after an few disagreements,ive qouted some of above and soon as i mention trading stadards he relutly agreed and car booked in tomorrow morning for inspection and repairs.he want "his bloke" to do it but demaned it to be an thired party garage.

fingers crossed all be fine

thanks for the help.


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tommy h. is right in regard to the air con.

Question is, is the air con working now? In that you switch it on and shortly after doing that you can feel the temperature change?


yes for hour or so then after that no temp change what so ever :(

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ive just got off phone with dealer after an few disagreements,ive qouted some of above and soon as i mention trading stadards he relutly agreed and car booked in tomorrow morning for inspection and repairs.he want "his bloke" to do it but demaned it to be an thired party garage.

Yes Trading Standards are indeed magical words, when dealing with shady car dealers.

Regards demanding a third party do the repairs, you do not have a right to insist that a third party undertake the job. So he is in his rights to decline that request. End of the day try and keep your dispute with the dealer on a business like footing. Don't let personalities get in the way, after all a guy he pays will be working on your car. Now you would not want him to be vindictive would you?

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yes for hour or so then after that no temp change what so ever :(

You have every right to be reimbursed for the money you paid out to have the air con gassed and check for leaks. I would present him with the bill once he has carried out all the repairs successfully.

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just little update......

had phone call about 4:30pm today saying they replace the condesor and there still an leak. i then asked what do they think it is then,their reply was "ant an clue mate we don't do A/C."

so i then went onto next problem the low fuel light ,to be told its dash under ford recall and im to take it them.ok i ran ford gave them my reg sure enough its NOT an recall dash.so rang them back told them this.....to be told you sure u put petrol in.well i said carmly the needle sitting at half isn't it not ??? also i got receit but if u want u pick it up as i got no car.he said "alright alright i put extra tenner in maybe there just not enough fuel in there to turn light off". !!!!!AT HALF FUEL!!!!!.he won't move on it untill the extra fuel gos in

they then moved onto the 3rd gear problem said to me the transmission fuild was low so they topped it up.i then went back to the A/C asking what they going to do to fix it (long puse of sliant)i just said how about getting an !Removed! A/C company/bloke in to sort it if your macanic don't do air con,his reply was "if i have to, i guess". i said thank you i ring midday tomarrow see how it went he said sure. and call endded,and to be honist not too soon.

now im an techical minded person and to me the more fuel to turn light off is an load of horse droppings,to me all it MIGHT do is unlock an stuck sensor or blocked sensor witch might work for awhile it not an repair that an repair its just short cut,to me it is anyways,

time to cill out and rethink owning car lmao.


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Top bloke Gavin. You are a hero to all us little people who come up against these vultures and cowboys, Stick up for your rights and they have not a chance.

Hope they fix your car and you have many happy years motoring. B)

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From what I can see, they have no idea what they are doing.

Therefore it is reasonable to assume there is little likely hood that the faults will be resolve to your satisfaction. And as such I would suggest that you tell them that in so many words. And therefore you are left with no option but to insist a competent garage undertake the repairs on their behalf. If the dealer declines to agree to this, tell him you are within your rights to return the car as it's not fit for purpose, and as such be given a full refund on the money you paid for it.The ball is then in his court, he has to choose one of those options. Because as far as your concerned those are the only two options you are prepared to accept.

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Hi again

thank you for yr help specially "catch" i am hopfully picking up the car today if the parts are delivered today,the car is now at my local garage i used for years under agreement with dealer.

they have now found an compressor clutch fault and pinhole leak in an pipe for the air con,the fuel gague they not fully found problem other than when they took car on test drive (part of full car check) the light went out and trip computer updated miles left to emtry,they hooked it up to computer soon they got it with no faults logged also after the test drive with same results,so said i need to take it in soon as it happens again see if code logged.they also said it might be the trip computer was slow to reconfigure the miles left to emtry therefor not turning off low fuel light after i refilled.

also the garage as drained and refilled transmission fuild as it was "dirty" and said gear change is much smoother.

the dealer as paid for parts and labour before the garage ordered them and done the job,they did the fault finding of problems for me for free as im an long custumer.i know from countless past job this garage dones an great job so i trust there findings and work ,all in all the best outcome i could of asked for

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Here to help mate, I'm a bit of a straight talking old !Removed! at times, but I mean well :rolleyes:

Anyway glad to hear your getting it sorted Gavin, and don't you feel a lot better now, your the one in control? You have gone from Chump to Champ in three days, purely because you now know your rights. Nobody will be taking you for a mug from here on in I reckon.

Another one of the University of Life, skills learnt and used to great effect..............information is king.

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thank catch

i lernt the hard way with this car, i got speak up an not just take what im given and question things even know i feel uncomfurtable "questioning people" but yes i feel better and "brighter" for sure. now i know my rights i'll be standing up for them (in an nice but firm way).

i will report on my car when i pick it up ,hopfully ford deliver the new compressor and pipes today i havn't really driven the car other than shop and back then dealers 4-5 times.at least dealer put £10 of petrol in to "cover" cost of fuel.

its asmaszine how these peaple go from hrash arigant seller to an pleastant happy to help once you show them u know yr stuff and they know they loss big time if you take action agast them. im 28 family man and only just worked this out!!.

theres hoping for some good motoring years in my third ford in 3 years and hopfully i will have somthing good to say about fords.(other two was mondys from bad sellers(i was an mug)!)

i will be back soon with few questions involing home service and few others i got like adding bluetooth hands free to cd6000 (sqaure center volume)

well i stop taking up people time and wait for the call......time gets slower ??? lol feels like it

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thank catch

i lernt the hard way with this car, i got speak up an not just take what im given and question things even know i feel uncomfurtable "questioning people" but yes i feel better and "brighter" for sure. now i know my rights i'll be standing up for them (in an nice but firm way).

You done great Gavin, well proud of you mate. And yes being in control but always giving the other guy "a way out" is the way to do it.

I made up a saying that I attribute to the dispossessed peoples of Palestine and it is ...........If you rob a people of all reasons for living, you leave them with only reasons for dying.......but don't get me started on world politics. Anyway that view point can be applied to life in general.

i will report on my car when i pick it up ,hopfully ford deliver the new compressor and pipes today i havn't really driven the car other than shop and back then dealers 4-5 times.at least dealer put £10 of petrol in to "cover" cost of fuel.

its asmaszine how these peaple go from hrash arigant seller to an pleastant happy to help once you show them u know yr stuff and they know they loss big time if you take action agast them. im 28 family man and only just worked this out!!.

It does not matter how old you are, you took constructive criticism on the chin, applied the knowledge and come out with a A star pass rate. And what is good about you is that you are keeping the board informed of your progress, thus adding to the knowledge base of the board. To many people register, get what info they want and you never here from them again or the outcome.

theres hoping for some good motoring years in my third ford in 3 years and hopfully i will have somthing good to say about fords.(other two was mondys from bad sellers(i was an mug)!)

It's not really a case of you being a mug, I dare say you were fraudulently ripped off by crooked car sellers.

This petrol 1.6 Zetec Climate is my fifth Ford amongst other Marques during 55 years of car ownership. And every one has been a good one.OK the 10 year old Mondeo eight years into my nine years of ownership started to rust on the door bottoms, so when the original clutch went at 80k a year later, I just got the AA man to take it and me to the scrap yard. But I went out and replaced it with a 6 year old 1.8 Focus, because by and large they have never let me down. That Focus it's self was a cracking car, but just short of three years into it's ownership, some prat wrote it off in a head on collision when he wanted our side of the road. I've never bought a new car in my life, I just cannot stomach the losses attributed to buying new. For instance a new Focus 1.6 TDCi Zetec is circa £17,145 new, 18 months and 15k later it has a PX value of £7985, that's a loss of 53.43% in value, or £9160 in 18 months. Better some other punter takes that kind of financial hit as far as I'm concerned.

I'm rabbiting again........ :ph34r:

I'm sure you will be all right Gavin once it has it's faults sorted out. Like I say other than service parts, and renewables such as brake disks/shoes/pads and the odd clutch after circa 80k, and timing belts, I've never had a Ford break down on me.

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hi just an quick update........

picked car up this dinner time.

aircon was fecking frezzing compared to when i got the first regas.GREAT :)

fuel light problem is now sorted, and the gear change is much better like driving diffent car :).

only problem now is about half home the car starting slowly to drift to drivers side needing me to offset steering wheel to go in straint line.

i got out at safe spot couldn't see any flat tyres so carried on by time i got home 10-15mins the steering wheel needed about 7-8degrees offset to other way.

so when i got home i checked the tyre pressures three was 38.5psi and front drivers was 36.5 and the tyre looked bit flater others,i be checking it in morning. my question is can 2psi make such an diffance to the steering ?????

next thing i want to do is add bluetooth handfree to either the cd6000 or get new double din headunit,not sure yet i think i need to do more research i think.


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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH (pulling my hair out)

i got up this morning to check tyre it was flat so pumped it up took it to local tyre centre....................wish i didn't now.

well both tyres on rear are "snow tyres rated H" and front are "summer tyres rated V" backs needs replacing acording to tyre place somthing about mot failure becuase of tyre diffance.also tyres was pumped up diffant pressure once it was set to 32 all round the car again started to pull to right alot GRRRRRRRR.then they found ABS cable to driver front wheel as been cut off then retaped on,then onto steering the rubber boot on the steering rack is completely missing,then the mounts are dry/worn(?).

so again i rang them so they said bring it in........i got in car stared it put clutch iBANG clutch pedal when to fllor and stays there. to say i filped at this point is am under statment,i then rang my garage that "did" the work to find out dealer had car picked up as "they was to expensive" so in fact the dealer double crossed me and had his bloke do the work.

i just desided to leave it hour or two to clam down then rang them they told me to get it towed to them i just was god smacked they wanted ME to pay for the tow in the end they got one out then the !Removed! bloke did know where the front towing eye fixing was 30mins later it was loaded and delivered.

very long phone call later i put an ultuamtion down witch i think fair wether im "intiled" or not .i had car two weeks they had it for 10 days of that.

so i said ,the car is to have an full pre-mot check done by regisitered mot tester,then all faults repaired either by his bloke or the tester place,if it his bloke then the car is to have an final pre-mot test.if they refuse either due to dongy work or they not done some either way the AA or likes with be called for them to inspect car and if they find it unroad worthy ,the car will be returned for total 100% refund.

sorry my rant is over ,and tbh this isn't the restart to driving i wanted !

thanks for reading


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I'd demand a total refund as is, that vehicle was not fit for purpose. It was supplied to you in a down right dangerous condition. Out off 14 days it has been off the road for 10 of them, and you have proved the guy is not to be trusted. Tell him it's either a full refund or you straight onto Trading Standards. I certainly would not have any faith in the car.

What variant of the Focus is it, what plate is it on, what mileage has it on the clock [not that I would trust it considering the guy you have bought it off] And how much did you pay for it ?

To be honest even if he did give you a full refund, I would still report him to Trading Standards. And I'm not being funny here, bought you have apparently bought three dogs in a row. Don't you think you should take somebody with you, who knows a bit more about cars than you do, when buying your next car.

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its an 1.6 petrol mk2 zetec climate 2005 (05) 53000 on clock hpi checked fine etc (done my self).

unfortually no one that know cars,only other option was paying for inspection but i was silly and thought i save money.

i payed 4478 for it it was at 4995 (cash),test drive was fine no leaks in or under engine at time (dry week weather wise)

i thought i did my research this time check out seller history online and with other people that used the garage again all was fine.

i think i will get refund today and put it in bank and save little extra for an used car from an mains dealer maybe i be little bit luckler.

what about car insurance ? can i stop it only month into it (my first insurance in few years)



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its an 1.6 petrol mk2 zetec climate 2005 (05) 53000 on clock hpi checked fine etc (done my self).

unfortually no one that know cars,only other option was paying for inspection but i was silly and thought i save money.

i payed 4478 for it it was at 4995 (cash),test drive was fine no leaks in or under engine at time (dry week weather wise)

Well on Wisebuyer it comes out at dealer price of £5,025. But of course that is for a straight motor. So I can understand you thinking you had got a good buy @ £4478. Look I reckon we would make a great team, I'll find a good motor and you do the haggling :D

i think i will get refund today and put it in bank and save little extra for an used car from an mains dealer maybe i be little bit luckler.
Well your more likely to get a straight motor, but you will pay the going rate for it. I paid £6200 for my 55 plate 1.6 Focus Climate with 32,700 on the clock mid October last year. I got a 12 month warranty, major service, and a years MOT on it for that price. Today's asking price with that mileage on it, it would be £5,428 dealer price.
what about car insurance ? can i stop it only month into it (my first insurance in few years)



No problem with the insurance, you may be charged a small admin fee for the cancellation say £25, but you should get a refund for every full month of insurance left on your policy. [the month starting from the day of the month you bought it]

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