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Things I Don't Like


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I don't like that Pipper doesn't seem to like hardly any of the snacks she inherited from Brandy:sad:

Last week during our getting to know me visits, she firmly rejected dried sprats. She has inherited four 250g bags:mellow:

The pig ear I offered her tonight was shunned, she's inherited 15 ears!:mellow:

I offered  her a dry roasted pig nose and she gave the grimace of "you expect me to eat that!"  she's inherited 10 noses.:mellow:

She's not very sure about Bonios, she accepted one but only ate half of it

She does at least like stinky sticks, which Brandy left her 4 bags of.  But then everyone loves a stinky stick in the world dogs

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1 hour ago, GMX said:

I don't like that Pipper doesn't seem to like hardly any of the snacks she inherited from Brandy:sad:

Last week during our getting to know me visits, she firmly rejected dried sprats. She has inherited four 250g bags:mellow:

The pig ear I offered her tonight was shunned, she's inherited 15 ears!:mellow:

I offered  her a dry roasted pig nose and she gave the grimace of "you expect me to eat that!"  she's inherited 10 noses.:mellow:

She's not very sure about Bonios, she accepted one but only ate half of it

She does at least like stinky sticks, which Brandy left her 4 bags of.  But then everyone loves a stinky stick in the world dogs


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22 hours ago, Lenny said:

I dont like putting Christmas decorations in the attic today and finding a leak in the roof which is pearling on the felt and dripping down the cavity wall.

the room inside of this area is the bathroom with tiled walls but noticed mould starting on the ceiling of the bathroom was putting it down to shower must but know better now.




Thankfully this issue has been moved to the "Things I do like" thread having had the issue diagnosed today as posted in the correct thread 👍


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I don't like being inappropriately dressed this afternoon and getting wet.  I wrongly believed the Met Office's rain radar, showing a patch of dryness coming across East Dorset between 2-4pm, and didn't wear anything remotely waterproof.  The patch of forecasted dryness lasted ½ hour and was followed by another deluge:sad:


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I don't like the Ghia's traction control and ABS lights coming on during the drive home from work tonight!!  Tried turning the engine off and restarting but they don't reset which either means there is a constant fault or the lights need to be manually reset somehow.

If anything can go wrong for me, it does! :angry:

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2 hours ago, jmurray01 said:

I don't like the Ghia's traction control and ABS lights coming on during the drive home from work tonight!!  Tried turning the engine off and restarting but they don't reset which either means there is a constant fault or the lights need to be manually reset somehow.

Quite a lot of generic OBD2 scanners will not work properly on a Mk1 Focus. But Forscan and an ELM327 should work ok, and hopefully be able to pin down the trouble source a bit, and reset the light. It is probably something quite simple like a wire or connector to a wheel sensor.

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I don't like waking up from a terrible sleep with a pounding headache and feeling hot and cold at the same time...  I can already tell today is going to be fantastic!!

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30 minutes ago, jmurray01 said:

I don't like waking up from a terrible sleep with a pounding headache and feeling hot and cold at the same time...  I can already tell today is going to be fantastic!!

Wow dude sleep and you dont go well recently do you suffer from a long term condition ? 

I was working last night going to bed myself in an hour hopefully kids let me sleep when they come home today unlike yesterday screaming conversation at each other 🙉

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16 hours ago, GMX said:

I don't like being inappropriately dressed this afternoon and getting wet.  I wrongly believed the Met Office's rain radar, showing a patch of dryness coming across East Dorset between 2-4pm, and didn't wear anything remotely waterproof.  The patch of forecasted dryness lasted ½ hour and was followed by another deluge:sad:


The amount of standing water on the roads this morning was horrendous.

My car tramlines in the dry, it wanted to pull me off the road this morning...

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I don't like that re-torn or torn a different bit of my right quadriceps tendon, at some point yesterday.:sad:  Whilst I can walk on it (as before) any activity involving full right knee bending is almost off the pain scale:eek: 

Driving is not possible for now, even if I tried with the wrong leg.  I'd still have to bend the right knee to get in and be seated

The irony is, I had almost recovered from the last time, commenting only last week, to one of my business partners, as I bent the said knee like a contortionist to get into their Audi without wincing. after a Peugeot had YPLAC'd it on the nearside

Taking Pipper out this morning was OK, except when having climb up raised kerbs, and I had some moderate to severe pain walking up or down slopes.  Removing and bagging her poo was quite challenging, as I had to perform a sort ballet dancers bow, keeping the afflicted knee dead straight whilst going downwards:laugh:

For most the day I've been standing up at my desk, it's not too bad, standing up. However, I did discover that the contractors knee pads I got from Screwfix, enable me to sit down for short stints of 5 minutes in between standing upright for a couple of hours

At this moment, I can't remember how long this acute pain stage lasts for, from last time. :unsure:


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I don't like the 405 unexpectedly running out of washer fluid (thanks to no warning light!) and having to stop at an Esso station to buy some.  I didn't need any diesel so parked at the side and grabbed a 5L bottle of Carplan pre-mixed screenwash, thinking it would be £5 at the most...  Nope.  £9.99!!!  I'll be sure to stock up in future and always have a bottle in the boot of all vehicles to avoid such extortion.

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3 hours ago, jmurray01 said:

I don't like the 405 unexpectedly running out of washer fluid (thanks to no warning light!) and having to stop at an Esso station to buy some.  I didn't need any diesel so parked at the side and grabbed a 5L bottle of Carplan pre-mixed screenwash, thinking it would be £5 at the most...  Nope.  £9.99!!!  I'll be sure to stock up in future and always have a bottle in the boot of all vehicles to avoid such extortion.

My car doesn't have a low washer fluid warning light either, despite being much newer :S

 You should have just filled up with a bit of water for free, and then bought one later. No way I'd ever pay 10 quid for screenwash!!

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1 hour ago, Incontro said:

My car doesn't have a low washer fluid warning light either, despite being much newer :S

 You should have just filled up with a bit of water for free, and then bought one later. No way I'd ever pay 10 quid for screenwash!!

I should have, but wasn't thinking and grabbed the screenwash expecting it to be cheaper, only finding out when he was ready to take payment.  I think I was so shocked that I paid before even questioning it.

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I don't like realising I have drank a whole 1.75L bottle of Coca Cola over the course of the past 8 hours...  Mind you, it is probably no worse than my usual consumption of energy drinks.

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Only 1.75L @jmurray01 that's nothing, i can do that just when I wake up lol. Energy drinks on the other hand have not passed my lips for maybe 5 years now

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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9 hours ago, Jonro2009 said:

Energy drinks on the other hand have not passed my lips for maybe 5 years now

I drank redbull everyday for nine years until my body rejected it with pancreas pains i should have stopped at thst point three years ago but since then im on two cans of monster assault per day.

I've not had one now since Monday morning and today is shopping day so I'm going to try not purchase any.

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You will be shaking and sweating by now lol. I just replaced energy drinks with tiredness and lethargy [emoji6] Dr says I'm not allowed them anymore because of some tablets I have to take.

I don't like how it's more expensive to buy water than energy drinks sometime though.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I don't like that my current pair of trainers are falling apart after just 1 month.

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take them back should last longer than that :smile:

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I don't like I had immense difficulty getting and out of the Mk1:sad:, both this morning going to the physio and again this afternoon, at Tesco.  Added to which it's my throttle and braking leg that has limited movement, and there was congestion to deal with in places.  Stop start traffic and limited movement equals a fair amount of pain:sad:. It sort of makes you appreciate that normally your legs work and you don't even think about it.

I also don't like the black Renault Clio, who parked so close to me in Tesco car park, I couldn't get Pipper out for her post-shop pee and had to reach across the whole back seat, on my left leg, whilst trying not to involve my right leg, nor to fall over, to release her safety belt. :sad:

4 hours ago, hywelkidd said:

I don't like that my current pair of trainers are falling apart after just 1 month.

That's appalling:eek:  My cheapo 99p trainers lasted almost a year

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4 hours ago, GMX said:

I had immense difficulty getting and out of the Mk1

Ouch, I (almost!) feel your pain.ohmy.png

It is a bit of a come down after a 36 mile walk over the weekend! I tried following it on Google, but got exhausted doing that wink.png, though Google was not great for footpaths. I had to use the http://www.geograph.org.uk/showmap.php?gridref=Sz157970

map system that gives limited access to all the OS maps from 10inch, via 50,000, 25,000 to 10,000 scales. Though an old fashioned paper 25,000 OS map would have been better, I think I have one somewhere.

If I had done anything like that, I would not be able to walk for a week. Perhaps tiredness was a factor in tearing the muscle or tendon.

Pipper may be getting a bit worried: new owner, lovely long walk, now her walks must be a bit curtailed! But I expect she has at least some understanding, animals can often sense pain and emotions in people.

Hope it gets better soon.

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I don't like despite watching TV for getting close to 2 years, and being completely happy to watch other animals, real or cartoon ones: Molly has suddenly taken to attacking the TV.:ohmy:  :sad:  My brother's pugs do this, but they've done it since they were puppies.  This is completely new behaviour for Molly:ohmy:

It started  when we were watching  the second BBC Spy in Wild with the spy squirrel and moments later with meerkats being filmed by spy termite mound.  She didn't react to first program, there was something about spy squirrel that triggered it.:mellow:

Now when squirrels, meerkats, the very.com advert with it's falling glitter, the cat in the Sheba advert, the characters (not sure what animals they're supposed to be) in the Lurpack butter advert, Batman in Sky Fibre advert and tonight most recently, the koala in the loo roll advert come on: Molly jumps off the settee and pounces at the TV:sad:   I'm not sure if an LED screen can withstand a cat throwing herself, claws outstretched, at it: repeatedly:unsure: 

I also don't like the explosive laxative effect of tonight's Tesco unpitted large green olives, i only had 10! Had I eaten an entire tub that might have been understandable: but 10:wacko:

1 hour ago, Tdci-Peter said:

Ouch, I (almost!) feel your pain.ohmy.png

It is a bit of a come down after a 36 mile walk over the weekend! I tried following it on Google, but got exhausted doing that wink.png, though Google was not great for footpaths. I had to use the http://www.geograph.org.uk/showmap.php?gridref=Sz157970

map system that gives limited access to all the OS maps from 10inch, via 50,000, 25,000 to 10,000 scales. Though an old fashioned paper 25,000 OS map would have been better, I think I have one somewhere.

If I had done anything like that, I would not be able to walk for a week. Perhaps tiredness was a factor in tearing the muscle or tendon.

Pipper may be getting a bit worried: new owner, lovely long walk, now her walks must be a bit curtailed! But I expect she has at least some understanding, animals can often sense pain and emotions in people.

Hope it gets better soon.

I used to have the entire OS collection of  25,000 scale paper maps for the south, I still have them, somewhere in the house

Before I had Brandy, I used to walk a lot further and faster (i didn't have to stop and sniff things),, 68 miles was my personal best, one day in June 1997, walking non-stop for just over 18 hours.  I was however, beyond being tired when I'd finished

Since Tuesday, Pipper has had to make do with three and sometimes four shorter walks a day rather than the normal two longer ones. My neighbour with 2 litre petrol focus, has also taken her out for some extra walks, mid-afternoon


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I do like watching The Last Leg on Ch4 on a Friday. I absolutely detest the bell end that is Russell Brand :puke::sniper::rifle::gun_bandana:

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2 hours ago, Zico said:

I do like watching The Last Leg on Ch4 on a Friday. I absolutely detest the bell end that is Russell Brand :puke::sniper::rifle::gun_bandana:

He will eventually OD 

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