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4 hours ago, Stoney871 said:

In my job, promotion seems to be controlled by your golf handicap and how you shake hands.

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk


1 hour ago, Stoney871 said:

More than you think.
Another good one is direct entry graduates, they come straight from university with no life skills and parachute into senior posts then try to tell officers with 15+ years in the job that they're doing it wrong.

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk

Lol, I managed to get on without playing golf or being a mason, but I did know where a lot of bodies were buried (not literally you understand, officer!)😃

Graduates - I used to get a lot of graduate trainees on placements to my team. To be fair, some were very good indeed,  but I did encounter some who were unable to fill in a form or make a business call without writing down a script of what they were going to say in advance. Whoever set them on was to blame, of course.

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4 hours ago, Stoney871 said:

More than you think.
Another good one is direct entry graduates, they come straight from university with no life skills and parachute into senior posts then try to tell officers with 15+ years in the job that they're doing it wrong.

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk

It's mad some of the graduate jobs there are out there. My dad works in the London underground and he said there was a graduate managerial job in the depot and that's £50k 😲

The mortgage advisor career I'm looking at going into the starting salary is good but after say 7 years experience could be earning around £70k+ depending on the company and number of clients you deal with monthly. There are some less known jobs like that which aren't as openly spoken about like doctors, dentists, accountants but help you be earning a good amount. Only thing I might hate is that estate agent jobs seem to typical be 9-6 or 7pm Monday to Friday with 2 Saturdays a month which seems too much.

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I regret no doing German or French in school now that the UK will exit the EU at the end of 2020,

In order for me to avoid customs import taxes on my amazon purchases; I will have to long on to amazon in Germany or France and purchase on that website where the package may still pass through the UK; I won't have to pay any customs import taxes in Ireland because it's originally shipping from an EU country.

Not alot of people know that😅 and will be stung by customs for everything. 

I suppose Google translate will help navigating through the foreign language unless amazon set up a warehouse in Ireland, which it may not be profitable for them to do. 

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7 hours ago, BigLen said:

I regret no doing German or French in school now that the UK will exit the EU at the end of 2020,

In order for me to avoid customs import taxes on my Amazon purchases; I will have to long on to Amazon in Germany or France and purchase on that website where the package may still pass through the UK; I won't have to pay any customs import taxes in Ireland because it's originally shipping from an EU country.

Not alot of people know that😅 and will be stung by customs for everything. 

I suppose Google translate will help navigating through the foreign language unless Amazon set up a warehouse in Ireland, which it may not be profitable for them to do. 

No, I certainly didn't know amazon didn't have a log on for ROI, Lenny. Knowing them though, they'll probably find a way round it!

I did do French and German at school, forgotten most of it now, can just about manage to order a beer or a coffee and that's it.

Problem for English Speakers is in most countries they learn English as a second language anyway, which is logical as the use of many languages is limited to one or two countries (e.g. Flemish, Norwegian, etc). I used to do business with firms in Europe but when telephoning normally found once I'd got past the switchboard, the person I was calling would greet me in perfect English.

One thing I have found though, is in France they appreciate your making the effort even though once they realise you are "un rosbif" they quickly switch to English!😀

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I did French and German for 3 years in high school.  Then took French for GCSE, not because I wanted to, but because we had to take one foreign language.  Ended up with the same grade in both French and English which was a little depressing! :laugh:

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1 hour ago, TomsFocus said:

I did French and German for 3 years in high school.  Then took French for GCSE, not because I wanted to, but because we had to take one foreign language.  Ended up with the same grade in both French and English which was a little depressing! :laugh:

I only did French as a foreign language at high school. I actually got a better GCSE result in French (B) than I did in English (C). 
No surprise there as I'd been learning French since I was 5 and spent lots of time in France as a child. I even went to a French school twice whilst over there and had a few French friends around my age in the little hamlet where our holiday home was. 

Weird thing is, I can barely speak French now after not using it for 15 years. I can remember the basics like hello, I would like, please and thank you but not much else. 

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9 hours ago, TomsFocus said:

I did French and German for 3 years in high school.  Then took French for GCSE, not because I wanted to, but because we had to take one foreign language.  Ended up with the same grade in both French and English which was a little depressing! :laugh:

I remember doing French in secondary school but I don't think I did it for GCSEs. The bit of London I live in has a large Turkish community so the school had Turkish as a GCSE subject. Haven't heard of one of them not getting a A* 😂. That school I think still is the worst school in the county and I got a C for English and B for maths. Still though although I went to a rubbish secondary school I managed to get in a well known university to do my final education course

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I did French at school , German and Spanish for a while. French I did to cse level ( GCSE of my era. ) Couldn't string a sentence together now in any language except for English ( most of the time) 

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Something I like and don't like. Got my classification for my masters course. Got a pass which I'm okay with but got 59% which is 1% below a merit. Will message my teacher to see if they can remark it and hopefully give that. They did state this isn't official yet and it is subject to ratification so fingers crossed it all works out.

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I don't like hearing that the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico has collapsed. 
Until very recently, Arecibo had made many advances in our understanding of the universe.
Earlier this year a support cable snapped and remedial work was done by tightening other cables to compensate for the loss of the cable. 
Another cable snapped in October and it was decided that it was too costly and dangerous to repair the monumental telescope so it would be gradually dismantled. 

It is a great loss to the scientific community. 

Arecibo had appeared in several films, including Goldeneye (James Bond), Species and Contact. 

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I've sadly have come down with something. Temperature showing 38.2, tickly throat and just feeling hot with joint pain. Hopefully it's the flu

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14 minutes ago, zain611 said:

I've sadly have come down with something. Temperature showing 38.2, tickly throat and just feeling hot with joint pain. Hopefully it's the flu

Fingers crossed that it is just a cold, but best to keep away from others until you are sure.

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We are all twitching at work. One of the lads at work has tested positive for covid. Apparently he went to a party at his brother's house Saturday. His brother felt unwell and had test Monday , positive on Tues night. So he had test and positive result lunchtime today. We are confident we have followed the hands,face , space.  So crossed fingers for the next few days. 

Got a team to come in and do deep clean tomorrow in all the areas he frequented. 

Only symptoms he commented on was sore throat and thought that was due to working outside in the freezing temps or cocaine at the weekend 😂😂

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1 hour ago, zain611 said:

I've sadly have come down with something. Temperature showing 38.2, tickly throat and just feeling hot with joint pain. Hopefully it's the flu

Fingers crossed for you bud 🤞

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12 hours ago, iantt said:

We are all twitching at work. One of the lads at work has tested positive for covid. Apparently he went to a party at his brother's house Saturday. His brother felt unwell and had test Monday , positive on Tues night. So he had test and positive result lunchtime today. We are confident we have followed the hands,face , space.  So crossed fingers for the next few days. 

Got a team to come in and do deep clean tomorrow in all the areas he frequented. 

Only symptoms he commented on was sore throat and thought that was due to working outside in the freezing temps or cocaine at the weekend 😂😂

I've had a sore throat for months...  I don't think that's even a symptom of covid is it?  I've also put it down to the cold weather as a walk outside seems to make it worse.  

Is there any chance of him passing it on to customers cars out of interest?  I had my car collected and delivered for MOT this year.  The guy did keep his distance from me but didn't wear a mask or gloves which I was a bit surprised about - both for his safety and mine.  There was no disinfectant smell when he bought it back either so presumably hadn't been any kind of cleaning done on it.  I always have to do a deep de-contamination of the car after anyone else has driven it so I'm not that bothered but I'm guessing most people that uses that garage won't... :unsure: 

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no chance of passing it on to customers. the steering wheel, gear stick and handbrake all covered as soon as vehicle delivered to us and while with us techies , then removed by the valetters, they clean vehicle and controls , handles etc. then steering wheel etc re wrapped and parked up. unwrapping and final wipe at handover. 

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3 hours ago, TomsFocus said:

I've had a sore throat for months...  I don't think that's even a symptom of covid is it?

@TomsFocusIf that is your only symptom the I doubt it is Covid.

I'm sure everyone reacts differently but that was one of the many symptoms that I had when I had Covid. Like many of the other symptoms it was different to the normal in that when I ate anything it felt like my throat was only half its normal diameter and someone had roughened it up with sandpaper and most food tasted burned as opposed to just a sore throat.

On a more general point, Covid is out there and is rife and taking precautions lessens your chances of catching it but does not eliminate them. From my own personal experience I have been taking more precautions than most people since March because I did not want to pass it on to my elderly mother but I still became infected.

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4 hours ago, TomsFocus said:

I've had a sore throat for months...  I don't think that's even a symptom of covid is it?  I've also put it down to the cold weather as a walk outside seems to make it worse.  

Is there any chance of him passing it on to customers cars out of interest?  I had my car collected and delivered for MOT this year.  The guy did keep his distance from me but didn't wear a mask or gloves which I was a bit surprised about - both for his safety and mine.  There was no disinfectant smell when he bought it back either so presumably hadn't been any kind of cleaning done on it.  I always have to do a deep de-contamination of the car after anyone else has driven it so I'm not that bothered but I'm guessing most people that uses that garage won't... :unsure: 

Remember there are other diseases out there. It's not like covid is the only thing 😂. Thankfully I don't think I have covid. My grandparents and aunty and uncle I visited in the same house on Saturday all got the same thing but recovered after 2 days. Thankfully I'm getting better plus one of them got covid tested and was negative. 

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Well saying that my cousin who I saw on Saturday tested positive for covid so possibility there I might have it 😶

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4 hours ago, Tizer said:

@TomsFocusIf that is your only symptom the I doubt it is Covid.

I'm sure everyone reacts differently but that was one of the many symptoms that I had when I had Covid. Like many of the other symptoms it was different to the normal in that when I ate anything it felt like my throat was only half its normal diameter and someone had roughened it up with sandpaper and most food tasted burned as opposed to just a sore throat.

I doubt it's Covid either tbh, but does sound very similar to yours. Thought I'd burnt or grazed my throat on some hot/rough food but it's been the same for the last couple of months now.  I know I should probably get it looked at but bigger health concerns currently.  As we're in the don't like thread I had to give a 'sample' today...  That's certainly an experience, I don't know how anyone deals with babies nappies! :laugh:


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5 minutes ago, TomsFocus said:

As we're in the don't like thread I had to give a 'sample' today...  That's certainly an experience, I don't know how anyone deals with babies nappies! :laugh:

Don't know if it is the same in England but up here on your 50th birthday and every two years after you are sent a self administered Bowel Cancer Screening Test kit were you have to give samples for several days. You have that to look forward to😝

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37 minutes ago, Tizer said:

Don't know if it is the same in England but up here on your 50th birthday and every two years after you are sent a self administered Bowel Cancer Screening Test kit were you have to give samples for several days. You have that to look forward to😝

Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles;

Chicken curry and six cans of cider every night 

Bring back memories of the war trying best to drop one within the square radios 😂

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45 minutes ago, Tizer said:

Don't know if it is the same in England but up here on your 50th birthday and every two years after you are sent a self administered Bowel Cancer Screening Test kit were you have to give samples for several days. You have that to look forward to😝

Every 2 years from 60-74 in England Iirc. Lots of fun!

All sorts of other stuff which seems to vary between NHS areas. On turning 65 I was invited for screening for abdominal aortic aneurism which I'd never heard of before. At the screening I was told I had the aorta of a 30 year old which made me wonder which 30 year old has got mine?😀

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47 minutes ago, Eric Bloodaxe said:

....which made me wonder which 30 year old has got mine?

Me probably...  Thanks! :unsure: :biggrin:

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I don't like how expensive everything seems to be nowadays...  Electricals all seem expensive even on AO.com.  Don't know if there's anywhere cheaper though.  And are there any cheap, but decent, online places for furniture (bed, wardrobe, arm chair, etc) with next day delivery?  I've seen ads for places like Wayfair but they don't seem to be as cheap as their ads suggest!

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