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48 minutes ago, TomsFocus said:

Can't believe youd use kitchen roll on your backside?? :ohmy: It's like sandpaper compared with loo roll!! :lol: I suppose it depends how often you 'go' as to how much wear it causes though lol.

I also use loo roll for everything except kitchen duties and dipstick wiping, oil gets through loo roll too easily...  I get nose bleeds quite a bit so always keep a roll by the bed for emergencies, save ruining the duvet and carpets on the way to the bathroom lol.  However I wasn't aware of what other people keep loo roll by the bed for...yes I'm quite naive in that area lol...it wasn't until I was told to move it when I had visitors that I realised. :sad::mellow:

It doesn't bother me, but then again I only require it once a day if I'm lucky!  Sometimes it is once a week, but we won't go into that!! :sad:

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3 hours ago, jmurray01 said:

Very true.  Sometimes if I can get a good deal on kitchen roll, I buy that in bulk and use it for toilet roll purposes too. 

Kitchen roll down the toilet? :jawdrop:  Lucky it hasn't blocked yet. :smile:

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29 minutes ago, Turvey said:

Kitchen roll down the toilet? :jawdrop:  Lucky it hasn't blocked yet. :smile:

Really?  The kitchen roll I use is often thinner than the expensive toilet roll...  Not that I ever buy expensive toilet roll of course!

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In one of those accidental combinations that are really tasty, I discovered tonight that avocado pear, red leicester, vintage cheddar and sardines go really well together. :smile: Had I not had the streaming cold, I would've made liver, bacon and kale casserole for tonight's tea. The "I need food" coupled with not wanting to hang about making it: meant i  just literally threw a few things together from the fridge. Which turned out to be as tasty:smile:

Loo rolls might being going the way of razors (with ever increasing numbers of blades and comfort strips), if the advert I've just seen for 3-ply is the start of a multi-ply war between makers.



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Toilet roll is designed to disintigrate in water, kitchen roll is designed to stay intact and will eventually clog sewers.

Sent from my SM-G930F

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49 minutes ago, Stoney871 said:

Toilet roll is designed to disintigrate in water, kitchen roll is designed to stay intact and will eventually clog sewers.

Sent from my SM-G930F

:withstupid: What he said :wink3:

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I do like that now I have had the second dose of Tescos all-in-one maximum strength capsules, my streaming nose is abating:smile: 


1 hour ago, Stoney871 said:

Toilet roll is designed to disintigrate in water, kitchen roll is designed to stay intact and will eventually clog sewers.

Sent from my SM-G930F

I've noticed that when I've had a pocket check oversight with the laundry, prior to putting it in the washing machine. 

Toilet roll disintegrates in the wash and becomes a pulpy residue in the pre-pump filter and all over the rest of the washing.:unsure:  Whereas a piece of kitchen roll, gets wet but remains intact in the pocket it was left in.   A post-it note or business card  semi disintegrates, but not to level of loo rolls.

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36 minutes ago, GMX said:

I do like that now I have had the second dose of Tescos all-in-one maximum strength capsules, my streaming nose is abating:smile: 


I've noticed that when I've had a pocket check oversight with the laundry, prior to putting it in the washing machine. 

Toilet roll disintegrates in the wash and becomes a pulpy residue in the pre-pump filter and all over the rest of the washing.:unsure:  Whereas a piece of kitchen roll, gets wet but remains intact in the pocket it was left in.   A post-it note or business card  semi disintegrates, but not to level of loo rolls.

I may have to try them for me, usually nothing short of sleep can cure mine unfortunately.

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🚗The moment when you have left back the emptied shopping trolley


your getting in to the car knowing that you have just completed the Christmas list✔😂

it's drive-tru time 🍟


Home before 6pm Traffic😥

Qualified & out of the race until next year🎄

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Interesting topic re loo roll.... *Rolls eyes*

Having an account with a wholesalers I tend to use those big blue rolls for kitchens for my everyday tissues in my pocket sort of thing. They're endless and strong. Bog roll for blowing noses is useless - trust me, I get hayfever so I know these things!

Anyone tried leaves for ahem an alternative to bog roll.... I have been known to get caught out once or twice, if I'm fortunate i have some of that aforementioned blue tissue, otherwise leaves are quite an alternative.... 'sigh'

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I do like that apart from the intense itchy left ear hole and canal, the Tesco cold capsules have suppressed all the other symptoms :smile:

Of course that might mean, it's purely coincidental and nothing to do with a cold.  Although, I thought in addition to draining into the nose, the sinuses also drained into the ear :unsure:

12 minutes ago, Ianb said:

Anyone tried leaves for ahem an alternative to bog roll.... I have been known to get caught out once or twice, if I'm fortunate i have some of that aforementioned blue tissue, otherwise leaves are quite an alternative.... 'sigh'

Apart from stinging nettles, thistles, poison ivy and poison oak, perhaps:eek:

Moss used to be the main wiper until someone invented toilet paper

Some people even mounted their moss on a stick, to enable wiping with less bending!:laugh:


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4 hours ago, GMX said:

Some people even mounted their moss on a stick, to enable wiping with less bending!

In days of old,

When Knights were bold,

Before toilet rolls were invented,

They wiped their asses,

on blades of grasses,

And walked away contented.


In the time of the Roman Empire, they used sea sponges, on sticks. And then gave them a quick rinse, and left them for the next user.ohmy.png

Progress has many dis-benefits, but some quite big benefits, also.

At least my internet connection has jumped back to over 6MBPS (a 60 times improvement), for no apparent reason. That is a benefit, almost as big as not having to use a pre-used spongebiggrin.png

The auto-censor on this site has a benefit also, here, it actually improves (?) the rhyme.

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I do like amazon Prime 🙌

I've treated myself to a year's membership for Christmas.

I had previously purchased an amazon Fire TV box early in the year for using other steaming methods such as Kodi.

but amazon Prime wasn't available in Ireland until last Thursday, 

Im now signed up to Amazon Prime means I can watch the Grand Tour which is the main reason I bought the Fire TV box earlier in the year 🙌

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17 hours ago, Ianb said:

Interesting topic re loo roll.... *Rolls eyes*

Having an account with a wholesalers I tend to use those big blue rolls for kitchens for my everyday tissues in my pocket sort of thing. They're endless and strong. Bog roll for blowing noses is useless - trust me, I get hayfever so I know these things!

Anyone tried leaves for ahem an alternative to bog roll.... I have been known to get caught out once or twice, if I'm fortunate i have some of that aforementioned blue tissue, otherwise leaves are quite an alternative.... 'sigh'

If you stay sitting and reach under to wipe; before standing up; saves alot of loo roll 

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13 minutes ago, Lenny said:

If you stay sitting and reach under to wipe; before standing up; saves alot of loo roll 

Wait...are you saying some people stand up before wiping!?  Apart from potentially doubling the load (you know like when kids paint half a butterfly and fold it over for a mirror image) surely it dribbles down your legs time you've stood up and grabbed some loo roll... :laugh: 


I always carry a wadge of loo roll in my back pocket as well as a multipack of them in the car so have never had to resort to leaves so far...knowing my luck they'd be poisonous ones anyway! :lol: 


I wouldn't be surprised if the sponge stick comes back into fashion in these days of saving the planets resources tbh, can't keep wasting paper like we do currently! :ohmy: :whistling:  After all, it's probably less disgusting than putting your groceries in the same bag for months... :unsure:

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I do like how warm it's been today:smile:, on Brandy's extended stroll around the Purbeck Hills, it was only necessary for me to wear a shirt; a fleece would have been overkill.  It's still too warm for one now, even thought the sun went down half an hour ago.

At a complete contrast to earlier in the week, we encountered no idiots on the roads we used, in VW's or for that matter, in any other kind of vehicle.  It must "Keep your Idiot at Home Day":smile:

3 hours ago, TomsFocus said:

Wait...are you saying some people stand up before wiping!?  Apart from potentially doubling the load (you know like when kids paint half a butterfly and fold it over for a mirror image) surely it dribbles down your legs time you've stood up and grabbed some loo roll... :laugh: 

It's never dawned on me to wipe sitting down, until Lenny mentioned it above you.

Doubling the load would only occur if you wiped standing erect. If you rise from sitting and go straight to a "touching the toes" type of position, a U-bend so to speak, the load doubling is non-existent:smile:

Sponges on sticks would be more durable than moss on sticks too.  A sponge for life could offered by supermarkets; like they did with bags.

In one of those lists "things your probably didn't know", in the magazines that you only read in the dentist waiting room: I do recall reading about a Pacific Ocean Island dwelling tribe who use (or used to use) scallop shells:ohmy: as scrapers, where we wipe! :wacko:



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Interesting how I've never met any of you in real life, but I know that both Lenny and Ghana wipe sitting down and Tom stands up bent double to wipe....

....it's times like these that the swear filter should allow me to say OMFG in full ...

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16 minutes ago, Ianb said:

Interesting how I've never met any of you in real life, but I know that both Lenny and Ghana wipe sitting down and Tom stands up bent double to wipe....

....it's times like these that the swear filter should allow me to say OMFG in full ...

I only have an upstairs loo at present aswell, the downstairs room is awaiting tiles in January, 

Replacement toilet and sink are in box's in our bedroom 😅 but that's cool because I can't poo in a toilet where there's no natural light source and downstairs loo has no window. 

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42 minutes ago, Ianb said:

Interesting how I've never met any of you in real life, but I know that both Lenny and Ghana wipe sitting down and Tom stands up bent double to wipe....

....it's times like these that the swear filter should allow me to say OMFG in full ...

Speaking of poo 😂

our two year old Son had a full nappy this morning, Just about to change it and he fell over and it squashed the nappy out through the leg of his trousers so I called @VickiW to change it instead 😣 what a mess

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1 hour ago, Ianb said:

Interesting how I've never met any of you in real life, but I know that both Lenny and Ghana wipe sitting down and Tom stands up bent double to wipe....

....it's times like these that the swear filter should allow me to say OMFG in full ...

Wrong way round!  It's Ghana that stands up to wipe not me...it'd be in my socks before I could get the paper... :laugh: 

With that sort of approach to wiping, I'm worried he's a scruncher rather than a folder as well! :ohmy:

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In a few days am driving the focus from London to South of France and then back next week. Although It will be a total of 10hrs but looking forward to really warming up the car.

Any advice would be appreciated

Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk

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4 hours ago, TomsFocus said:

Wrong way round!  It's Ghana that stands up to wipe not me...it'd be in my socks before I could get the paper... :laugh: 

With that sort of approach to wiping, I'm worried he's a scruncher rather than a folder as well! :ohmy:

Ah.... Well, in that case I feel better for not knowing exactly! Hahaha...

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1 hour ago, Ken.K said:

In a few days am driving the focus from London to South of France and then back next week. Although It will be a total of 10hrs but looking forward to really warming up the car.

Any advice would be appreciated

Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk

Keys in ignition, in gear, gas on the right, clutch in the left, brake in the middle... Try and hit the ferry or the train rather than the water, try not to bring a car load of stowaways back.... 

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Like opening the bonnet of my focus after a drive to see the electric coolant pump I fitted in the summer actually working to cool the turbo. Since fitting it , never knew if the pcm was switching it on as required. Also the coolant level has stopped dropping since fitting it. [emoji5]

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Keys in ignition, in gear, gas on the right, clutch in the left, brake in the middle... Try and hit the ferry or the train rather than the water, try not to bring a car load of stowaways back.... 

Good one. Am reading about headlight adjustment. How do I do this? and is it necessary or do I just use the stickers?

Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk

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